Tuesday, January 31, 2023

The Holy Eucharist - Day 7

      The Sunday mass celebration at the Cenacle ( in the Upper Room) where the Last Supper was held  and where Christ instituted the Sacrament of the Mass was so symbolic today. Dr. Scott Hahn,  a former protestant evangelist and now a Catholic Apologetic stated in his book The Lamb's Supper that the mass is simply a taste of Heaven on Earth. As a cradle and practicing catholic, I crave attending the mass at least every week. It's my obligation to myself to experience my regular encounter with Christ in the Eucharist. Here's a link to Dr Hahn's website: 


The church at the Cenacle ( the Upper Room)-  where Jesus celebrated the last supper  with his apostles. The pilgrims preparing for mass. 

The view of the church from the Garden

We crossed to Palestine through the disputed West Bank, Jericho all the way to River Jordan where Christ was baptized. We all renewed our baptismal rites as Father Ryan sprinkled us with the water from the River. 

The River Jordan

Gabe bowing down for the baptism 

We had lunch at the Qumran National park after walking around the site where the Dead Sea scrolls were found .
One of the caves where the shepherd boys found the scrolls 

The Dead Sea Scrolls were found Along this mountain range . Intact copy of the Old Testament 
The caves where the early monks lived in a commune 

Panoramic view from
The Qumran overlooking the Dead Sea 

   Finished the day floating on the Dead Sea and drove back to Jerusalem while enjoying the beautiful sunsets over the Judean wilderness and over Mount of Olives  along the way.

Floating vertical 

The Dead Sea loses 4 feet of water level every year due to human consumption. The flash floods from
Jerusalem flows down to the Dead Sea normally . Now it’s diverted to irrigate farmlands . 

Sunset over the Judean wilderness closed
To Jericho where Jesus fasted and prayed for 40 days 

Sunset over Mt Olives from Palestine to Jerusalem 

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